
Kubernetes in LXC on Linode

I’ve finished a migration for all of my personal infrastructure to a 3 Linode HA Kubernetes cluster running: Web Server Blog (Hugo) JupyterHub kube-flow (Tensorflow abstraction) Nextcloud Gitea Why? First off, why Kubernetes? I’ve know about Kubernetes for years but held off on deploying it due to it’s complexity (which is about to be explained below). Kubernetes is becoming more and more ubiquitus. It’s taking over on every front from the web application space, IoT, serverless, and data science.
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Softwares as a Services

Here’s a list of servies I think are worth checking out. I either use or have used all of these and find them to be quite viable in practice. Objectives Focus on privacy Software as a service is inherintly a privacy abusing paradigm. There isn’t any way to verify that a certain provider isn’t abusing their service. A service could say that they encrypt everything and that they don’t sell or share your data, but that might not necessarily be true.
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Thought process for an SSG

I spent a lot of time researching different solutions for a blog before deciding to keep it simple. I was obsessed with a few qualities that I later decided weren’t important. These qualities were: Static site on first load Allow JavaScript to be turned off Evolve into a progressive web app with asynchronous loading I used this site to find and compare different solutions. In particular, I’ve evaluated: Cryogen, Jekyll, Next, Gatsby, and Hugo.
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Thoughts on Google

Disclaimer: I am an advocate for better privacy protections. As such, my views might be different, but I am always willing to listen to new views and opinions in order to better my own perspective. That being said, I think Google has done some great things. In this post, I would like to go over those good things as well as point out where they could use improvement. Finally, I’ll point out what I think are acceptable services to use under Google’s umbrella and also point out which services to avoid altogether.
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