The One Year Nothing New Challenge

I’ve lived in Seattle for almost a year. I bought my ticket from San Jose to Seattle about a year ago for March 1st 2018. It was the start of a new life for me. I remember being extremely stressed because I had to go through ALL of my possessions and decide what to keep and what to sell and donate away. It was surprisingly easy for me to detach from the physical items.
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Thought process for an SSG

I spent a lot of time researching different solutions for a blog before deciding to keep it simple. I was obsessed with a few qualities that I later decided weren’t important. These qualities were: Static site on first load Allow JavaScript to be turned off Evolve into a progressive web app with asynchronous loading I used this site to find and compare different solutions. In particular, I’ve evaluated: Cryogen, Jekyll, Next, Gatsby, and Hugo.
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